Positive Futures Coaching

For Optimal Mental and Physical Wellbeing 

 Our ethos is living positively, full on, from ones heart and soul, so that every mishap to trauma is used as a learning tool.  We know life can often be tough but we choose vibrancy, joy and colour in our lives and even though we do look at the past our main focus is the future – dreams, plans, goals.  Change is possible for everyone.  We are worth it and you are worth it.

Many coaching and therapy websites evoke a sense of calm, peace and stillness with neutral colours and beautiful staged photos.  We like them but here at PFC we head in a slightly different direction.  Our design was inspired by both a poster cover for a music festival we love and by moments in our lives when we felt truly alive, free, openhearted, curious to try new things and to step into the world with love, laughter and joy … whatever the weather.

Scroll over the map below and if any of the questions resonate with you or you have some others, please give us a call as we might just be able to assist you in finding your answer.  

Feeling Anxious      Talk something through     Feeling Stuck   Want a new You      Need an Action Plan      Can’t make a decision         Feeling down in the dumps         Need to clear headspace      Looking for results         Plan your ‘move on’ strategy     Looking for change


Can coaching help? HoverTap over the map and see if anything resonates with you

Want to find more time for yourself? Want to feel at home? Are you feeling sad and down?
Are you at a transition point in your life? Do you feel alone? Children left home and what now? Want to change career?
Are you wanting to create a happy home? Are you craving your own space? Financial pressures? Looking for more confidence?
Is Life just flying by? Do you feel in control of your life? Is Life just going round and round with no end?
Ready to look at your eating habits? Want to get fit? Struggling to be healthy?
At a crossroads and don’t know which way to go? What direction do you really want to take? Finding it difficult to make decisions? Thinking of a new career?
Are you being forced into a major change in life? Do you have to re-think everything you believe? Are you dealing with grief? Are you being bullied? Do you feel unloved and not accepted for being you?
Are you finding the time to enjoy yourself? All work and no play? Looking to expand your business?
Are you struggling in your relationships? Issues in your marriage? Some problems with colleagues or friends? Are you wishing for the ‘right’ partner? Going through or recently divorced?